New Jersey Child Custody Attorneys

Trusted Child Custody Lawyers in Bergen County, NJ Help Clients Resolve Child Custody and Visitation Matters in Passaic County, Essex County, and Throughout New York, including Queens County, Nassau County, and NYC

When parents separate or divorce, it is necessary to establish a custody arrangement that balances both parents’ rights to a close relationship with their children with the children’s interests and safety. Negotiating or litigating child custody is never an easy task for parents, who understandably want to spend as much time as possible with their children while they are young. The New Jersey child custody attorneys at the Choi Law Firm have been fighting hard for their clients in custody cases in NYC and New Jersey for 90 years combined.

If your child’s interests and your relationship with them are at stake, turn to the Choi Law Firm’s trusted child custody lawyers serving clients in Bergen County, Essex County, Passaic County, Queens County, Nassau County, and throughout North Jersey and NYC for effective legal advocacy. Reach out to us today for an initial case evaluation to learn more about your options.

Types of Custody That Our New Jersey Child Custody Attorneys Can Help You Pursue

The New Jersey child custody attorneys at the Choi Law Firm have extensive experience helping clients to pursue all kinds of child custody arrangements, including:

  • Sole physical custody, where one parent has the exclusive right to exercise physical control
  • Sole legal custody, where only one parent is authorized to make child care decisions, including with respect to the child’s medical care, education, and moral/religious upbringing
  • Joint physical custody, where both parents have time where they exercise physical control (although joint custody arrangements do not necessarily mean each parent gets equal time)
  • Joint legal custody, where both parents must agree on child-rearing decisions
  • Visitation time, where a parent who does not have physical custody gets to spend supervised or unsupervised time with their child

Dealing With A Family Law Matter And Have Questions? We Can Help. Just Tell Us What Happened. Call 201-613-5557 Or Fill Out Our Convenient Online Contact Form.

What do Courts Consider when Deciding on Child Custody?


In deciding on a child custody arrangement, courts are required to determine if an arrangement is in the child’s best interests. The best interest analysis requires courts to look at multiple factors, such as:

  • The extent and quality of each parent’s relationship with the child
  • The parents’ ability to agree and cooperate in co-parenting
  • Each parent’s willingness to permit parenting time and to foster a relationship between their child and their co-parent
  • Any history of neglect, abuse, or abandonment of the child, or interference with the co-parent’s visitation or custody rights
  • Any history of domestic violence or drug/alcohol abuse
  • The child’s relationship with siblings/half-siblings/step-siblings
  • The respective finances of the parents and their ability to support their child
  • The physical and mental health of each parent
  • The suitability of each parent’s home environment, as well as each parent’s ability to furnish appropriate childcare
  • Maintaining continuity of the child’s education, extracurricular activities, and social relationships
  • The geographic proximity of the parents’ homes
  • The child’s stated preferences, if the court finds that the child is mature enough to express an intelligent, reasoned preference

Get Advice From An Experienced Family Law Attorney Serving Clients In New Jersey And New York. All You Have To Do Is Call 201-613-5557 To Receive Your Confidential Case Evaluation.

How Our Experienced New Jersey Child Custody Attorneys Can Help You Protect Your Relationship With Your Child

When you are negotiating a custody arrangement or seeking to enforce your rights under an existing order, let the Choi Law Firm help you protect your relationship with your children by:

  • Sitting down with you to explain your legal rights and options for pursuing an initial custody order, modifying an existing order to protect your and your children’s rights, or seeking to enforce an order when your co-parent is violating your rights
  • Thoroughly investigating your family’s circumstances to have the evidence necessary to argue for your preferred custody arrangement
  • Working with you to prepare a proposed custody order, including negotiating on your behalf with your co-parent and their counsel to try to reach a fair agreement on custody and parenting time
  • Pursuing your rights in court when necessary for you to fight for your and your children’s interest

Turn to Our Qualified Child Custody Lawyers in Bergen County, NJ to Pursue a Favorable Outcome in Your Case

Do not leave the details of your family’s custody arrangement to chance. Contact the New York child custody attorneys at the Choi Law Firm today for a confidential consultation to learn more about how our firm can assist you in your child custody case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Custody in New Jersey

Do we need to go to court if we agree about child custody? Question
Answer If you and your ex can reach an agreement regarding custody and parenting time, you legally do not need to involve the court with your family’s custody arrangement. However, if you and your ex can reach a child custody settlement, it may be advisable to file your agreement with the court to turn it into an enforceable court order. Without a court order, either you or your ex may choose to stop following your custody agreement at any time. However, with a court order, if your ex refuses to follow the agreement you both reached, you can file a motion with the court to enforce the order, which may allow you to obtain relief such as reimbursement of your legal fees or makeup parenting time.
Doesn’t the mother always get custody of the children? Question
Answer No. In New York and New Jersey, courts make custody and parenting time determinations in a gender-neutral fashion. Custody orders are not based on the gender of either the parent or the child.
Can my children decide who they get to live with? Question
Answer One of the factors that courts may consider when deciding on child custody is the reasonable preferences of the child. To consider a child’s preference, the court must first find that the child is old enough and mature enough to be capable of expressing a reasoned preference. But a child’s preference is only one of the factors that a court may take into consideration. Ultimately, the court must find a custody arrangement that serves the child’s best interest, even if that arrangement is not the child’s top preference.

“ I always felt that they were genuinely fighting for me; truly looking out for my best interests."

I am very grateful for Sandra Choi and her team. They were kind, compassionate, thorough and very professional throughout the entire process of my case. I always felt that they were listening to my concerns and interests and provided all the professional advice and answers to my questions that I needed to feel confident about my decisions.

“ One of the best things about Ms. Choi is that she is caring and listens carefully to understand your situation."

Sandra Choi is attentive, kind, thoughtful, and professional. She was thorough and well-prepared throughout my case, and I was impressed by her honesty and work ethic. Ms. Choi and her team were helpful and responsive to my questions and concerns, and she certainly exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Ms. Choi and her team.

Why Hire Choi Law Firm

We Are Skilled Counselors Demonstrating a Passion for Resolving Difficult Legal Problems

We Provide a Caring Environment So You Can Rest Assured Knowing Your Case is in Good Hands

We Develop Tailored Strategies and Solutions to Secure a Favorable Outcome in Every Client's Case

We Have Ninety Years of Combined Legal Experience Guiding Clients Toward Successful Results

We Work Tirelessly on Behalf of Individuals, Families, and Businesses in the NYC and North Jersey Areas

We Understand the Value of Prompt Legal Action to Resolve Your Situation as Efficiently as Possible