What is a will?

A will is a document that provides instructions for how you want your assets to be distributed following your death. In a will, you will typically nominate someone to administer your assets and estate; this person is called an executor. You can use your will to give specific assets to certain people or organizations, or youContinue reading “What is a will?”

Initiate a Confidential Consultation with Our Will Contest Attorneys

For personalized legal assistance tailored to your unique circumstances, connect with the Choi Law Firm for a confidential consultation. Whether you’re in Bergen County, Passaic County, Essex County, Queens County, Nassau County, or any part of North Jersey or NYC, our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through the intricacies of will contests. Don’tContinue reading “Initiate a Confidential Consultation with Our Will Contest Attorneys”

Can property that is titled solely in my name be subject to equitable distribution?

Yes. Even if an asset is legally titled in only one spouse’s name, the court may still find that the asset constitutes marital property if both spouses contributed to the purchase and maintenance of the asset. For example, a couple may purchase real estate and title it only in one spouse’s name for tax purposesContinue reading “Can property that is titled solely in my name be subject to equitable distribution?”

Does my spouse’s infidelity affect the court’s equitable distribution order?

While adultery by one spouse does not, by itself, have any effect on how the court will rule on equitable distribution in divorce, the court may consider the financial ramification of a spouse’s infidelity when deciding equitable distribution. For example, if the court finds that the unfaithful spouse spent an excessive amount of money thatContinue reading “Does my spouse’s infidelity affect the court’s equitable distribution order?”

Can my spouse and I agree on how to divide our marital estate?

Yes. Spouses who are divorcing can negotiate a marital settlement agreement or property settlement agreement to decide how they wish to divide marital assets and liabilities. A divorcing couple’s property settlement agreement or marital settlement agreement can then be incorporated by the court into the final judgment of divorce to make the parties’ agreement anContinue reading “Can my spouse and I agree on how to divide our marital estate?”

If I obtain a protection order against someone I am living with, who has to leave the home?

If you are seeking a protection order after becoming the victim of domestic violence committed by someone who lives in your home, such as a partner or spouse, you can request that the court includes a provision that your abuser is required to vacate the house. Courts can order this even if your home isContinue reading “If I obtain a protection order against someone I am living with, who has to leave the home?”

Do I need a family law attorney? Can’t I prepare my own documents for my divorce or family law case?

You should speak with our family law attorneys in Queens County, NY as soon as you are considering a divorce or believe a family member is considering a divorce. The same applies to if you or they are thinking about other types of legal action that may involve child custody, child support, alimony, restraining orders,Continue reading “Do I need a family law attorney? Can’t I prepare my own documents for my divorce or family law case?”

If I have fault grounds for a divorce, should I still cite “irreconcilable differences” as a reason for divorce?

You can, and doing so can help ease and expedite the divorce process, but if you have serious grounds for a divorce such as adultery or abuse, those facts can have a major impact on child custody, support, and visitation decisions made by the court. Consult with our experienced family law attorneys in Teaneck, NJContinue reading “If I have fault grounds for a divorce, should I still cite “irreconcilable differences” as a reason for divorce?”

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We Have Ninety Years of Combined Legal Experience Guiding Clients Toward Successful Results

We Work Tirelessly on Behalf of Individuals, Families, and Businesses in the NYC and North Jersey Areas

We Understand the Value of Prompt Legal Action to Resolve Your Situation as Efficiently as Possible