Mahwah Divorce Lawyers

Our Experienced Family Law Attorneys in Mahwah, NJ Skillfully Handle Complicated Family Law and Divorce Cases in Bergen County and Throughout New Jersey

New Jersey family and divorce law can be complicated, and the decisions you make today will last a lifetime. That means finding the right divorce and family law attorney to handle your case is a critical component of setting the stage for your future well-being and the safety, security, and financial standing of your family. Contact the Choi Law Firm today to speak with our Mahwah divorce lawyers. With years of experience handling matrimonial issues and divorce cases of all kinds, our family law attorneys in Mahwah, NJ can guide you through the complex and often grueling and stressful New Jersey divorce process.

The Choi Law Firm’s Family Law Attorneys in Mahwah, NJ Provide Sound and Experienced Legal Guidance for Divorce and Family Law Issues


At the Choi Law Firm, we build our approach to family law around our clients. We want to give you the help, support, and legal advice you need when you need it, and we work hard to make sure that:

  • Every divorce and family law matter takes into consideration the unique aspects of your case;
  • You understand everything you need to know about your case and what to do every step of the way;
  • You pursue every legal option available to you to build the future you desire once all legal proceedings are complete;
  • All of your questions, concerns, and needs are satisfied and met to the best of our ability based on the specifics of your case and the personal challenges you may face as part of your divorce.

Divorces are rarely an easy situation, and they are often very time-consuming and expensive. You may be faced with a considerable amount of stress and conflict—even drawn-out court battles—as your divorce proceedings take place, but the goal should be for you to get on with your life. Child support and child custody issues can add additional pressure as well. The good news, however, is that our experienced family law attorneys in Mahwah, NJ can help you resolve your family and divorce issues more smoothly.

Dealing With A Family Law Matter And Have Questions? We Can Help. Just Tell Us What Happened. Call 201-613-5557 Or Fill Out Our Convenient Online Contact Form.

Services Provided by Our Mahwah Divorce Lawyers

Our family law attorneys in Mahwah, NJ will:

  • Create an effective divorce strategy that meets your needs;
  • Walk you through the different legal options available to you to limit the conflict, stress, and negative fallout of your divorce;
  • Protect your safety and financial security – both in the short and long term;
  • Work toward solutions on child and spousal support and the equitable distribution of shared assets.

This means helping you with every step of the divorce process, which includes:

  • The filing of the complaint for divorce: This is when the defendant spouse is served with a summons and complaint for divorce.
  • Motions are held to address issues such as support and/or visitation.
  • Discovery takes place, which is when documentation and information are exchanged between both parties. Interrogations, depositions, and evaluations may also take place at this stage.
  • Early settlement takes place after discovery if there are no further disputes between the parties. If not, mediation will be required.
  • A trial will take place at an available date and time to iron out and decide all pending open matters that the parties were unable to resolve on time.

Get Advice From An Experienced Family Law Attorney Serving Clients In New Jersey And New York. All You Have To Do Is Call 201-613-5557 To Receive Your Confidential Case Evaluation.

Determining Fair Alimony Payments with our Family Law Attorneys in Mahwah, NJ

An important consideration in any divorce is whether you will have to make alimony or spousal support payments to your ex. These are post-divorce payments made to a former spouse. In New Jersey, there are no set rules for calculating alimony. Instead, a number of factors will be considered to determine a fair and equitable alimony amount, including:

  • The length of the marriage;
  • The financial needs and earning capacities of both parties;
  • Which spouse bears child rearing and caretaking expenses, if any;
  • Any other relevant factors that apply to your case.

Before determining alimony, spousal support, child support, or any other payments, you and your spouse must agree to the equitable distribution of assets. If you both agree to specific terms and conditions, then your divorce can proceed as an uncontested divorce. If, however, there are disagreements and differences, then you may need to undergo mediation to reach a middle ground before further steps are taken. This can include a trial. For every case, however, our team of Mahwah divorce lawyers will help back your claims and we will aggressively advocate your case so that a fair middle ground is reached and you can get on with your life once the divorce is finalized.

Every situation is different, and everyone’s alimony, child custody, and other marital considerations will be different as well. Speak with our experienced Mahwah divorce lawyers today for a better understanding and a thorough breakdown of your legal options before responding to or initiating divorce proceedings with your spouse.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce and Family Law Cases in Mahwah, NJ

Do I need to have a reason to divorce? Question
Answer No. New Jersey is a no-fault divorce state. This means you can initiate divorce proceedings for no reason other than the fact that you want a divorce. However, you can still mention specific faults or reasons for wanting a divorce if such situations apply to your case. Examples include adultery, abuse, sexual deviation, and long-term separation from an individual. Be sure to discuss these factors with our Mahwah divorce lawyers since they can have an important bearing on divorce-related considerations such as alimony payments and child support rulings.
How are annulments different from divorces? Question
Answer Annulments dissolve a marriage and make it as if the marriage never took place. This is different from a divorce in which a marriage is recognized but dissolved. In New Jersey, you can have an annulment instead of a divorce only under specific conditions. These include if either party was under the age of 18 when the marriage took place; the marriage took place while either party was intoxicated and therefore unable to understand the implications of their actions; coercion, fraud, lies, or threats were involved in forcing someone to get married; either party suffered from incurable impotence at the time of the marriage; marrying someone who has a close family relationship with you; bigamy (marrying someone while already being married to someone else). Speak to our team if these or similar factors apply to your case.

“ I always felt that they were genuinely fighting for me; truly looking out for my best interests."

I am very grateful for Sandra Choi and her team. They were kind, compassionate, thorough and very professional throughout the entire process of my case. I always felt that they were listening to my concerns and interests and provided all the professional advice and answers to my questions that I needed to feel confident about my decisions.

“ One of the best things about Ms. Choi is that she is caring and listens carefully to understand your situation."

Sandra Choi is attentive, kind, thoughtful, and professional. She was thorough and well-prepared throughout my case, and I was impressed by her honesty and work ethic. Ms. Choi and her team were helpful and responsive to my questions and concerns, and she certainly exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Ms. Choi and her team.

Why Hire Choi Law Firm

We Are Skilled Counselors Demonstrating a Passion for Resolving Difficult Legal Problems

We Provide a Caring Environment So You Can Rest Assured Knowing Your Case is in Good Hands

We Develop Tailored Strategies and Solutions to Secure a Favorable Outcome in Every Client's Case

We Have Ninety Years of Combined Legal Experience Guiding Clients Toward Successful Results

We Work Tirelessly on Behalf of Individuals, Families, and Businesses in the NYC and North Jersey Areas

We Understand the Value of Prompt Legal Action to Resolve Your Situation as Efficiently as Possible